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My mission is to help as many people as I can become the best version of themselves. Healthy, strong and confident is the motto. I have built a community of like-minded individuals who are supportive, kind and hard working. Now that you are here, you’re welcome to join our amazing community.


Show up and keep promises to yourself.

Your current habits will continue to deliver your current life. If you’re not satisfied with the reality you’re living- it’s on YOU to change it.
But change means doing things DIFFERENTLY.
You can’t keep doing the same things and expect a different outcome. And doing things differently will make you uncomfortable. Get comfortable being uncomfortable if you’re wanting things to change


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I cannot believe I’ve come to a year of working with Caitlyn!!! This was hands down the best decision I could’ve made for myself. I reached out to her on social media one day which then led to a phone call and then the start of my health journey. I could go on and on about how my life and mindset has changed because of her. 


Throughout this year, I have completely transformed my view on health and fitness, and I have learned to prioritize the things that make me feel my best. She has helped me make a lifestyle change that I never thought I would be able to make. I now prefer healthier foods over sweets, water over sodas, and movement over being lazy and watching tv because I feel my best and perform my best when I take care of myself and fuel my body. 


Also, I used to always try to eat in a deficit. I thought carbs were my worst enemy and that I couldn’t eat more than 1500 calories per day. I thought the skinniest version of myself had to be the healthiest version of myself. Caitlyn quickly taught me that this wasn’t the case. I have learned to look at food as fuel and something my body needs to function and perform. My energy levels are the best they’ve ever been and I have never felt more confident in myself and my abilities. 


Most importantly, she has taught me that I am in control of my health journey and my fitness. I have the power to take action and change my life, but the choice is up to me. She’s the best with tough love, the best with giving advice, and just the best overall. She’s turned into a great friend that celebrates my accomplishments with me and helps me through my difficult times. I’m so so thankful to have her as my coach!!



​What's Included:

  • Custom nutrition guidance

  • Custom training programming

  • Weekly check-ins via app

  • Bi weekly 15 minute call with me 

  • Form check for exercise movement

  • Sample grocery list + other resources

  • Recipe e-book 

  • Access to any updates to recipe e-book 

  • Team group chat and 24/6 access to me  throughout week 


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Nutrition + Workouts

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Macronutrients otherwise referred to as "macros" are what make up the calories in the food we consume. There are three main macronutrients: Carbohydrates, protein and fat.


Having specific macros and manipulating their ratios for your specific body’s needs and overall goals, is where the magic happens!

What works for one person may not work for other person because we are all different. Different bodies, different goals, different past dieting, etc. Having the proper ratio of macros is helpful for optimizing athletic performance, appetite control, overall mood, energy levels, and assisting in fat loss or muscle growth. These are all things I take into consideration when calculating your customized macro count.


With this custom macro count, you will receive:


One time custom macro count

  • General guidelines for assessing and altering macros for your goals.​

Please be aware that Caitlyn Block is NOT a medical doctor, licensed nutritionist, or registered dietician and that the Service Provider is only providing recommendations to the Client in question. Before implementing or using any and all of recommendations provided, you should always consult a medical doctor.

  • Customized Macros


CB Fitness Apparel

Image by Becca Tapert
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Cooking With Caitlyn

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  • TikTok
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Use my favorite lifestyle and food tracking app to help you manage your goals in your fitness/health journey!
Only $12.99 a month

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